Thursday, September 1, 2016

Inside the womb!

I found this amazing video! I may have posted it before but I don't think so... Anyway, It's a great video that shows ABS inside the womb! It's an awesome insight into what it looks like from the inside!

And now for a short update on our awesome lucky fin!

We went to Shriners a few weeks ago for a check up since it's been over a year since his last surgery (crazy! I know!) Well let me back up. A few days before his appointment I noticed something rough on his foot - the one with ABS - and I thought it was just a calace and it turned out to be his toenail growing back. The one we had removed with the very first surgery! So needless to say, I was happy to have an appointment a few days later.

While we were there we saw our wonderful surgeon who has taken great care of my baby. He was very impressed with how everything was progressing but... more surgery to come. Yes yes, we knew there would be more but not this soon. The pinky finger tip that he saved, well he didn't release the band because he was focused on saving the tip like we asked him to do. This means that we need to go back in and release the band and potentially remove the toenail again. With that he will separate the 4th toe from the 3rd, this way if the toenail ever grows back, we won't have to worry about it!

Talk about shock! I was expecting a "good job, looks great, see you in a year!" and instead we got the news of surgery much sooner. On the bright side, they all were very impressed with our lucky fin! He would walk around showing people his hands and toes because we have asked him so often to do so; which they had never seen. He sat politely and used his manners; it made me proud :)

And as far as the littlest one goes, well he is doing fantastic! Growing and eating like a weed and is trying so hard to keep up and copy his older brother :) I couldn't ask for better boys!

The day before he screamed because he got the red spoon... he loved it the next day.. Life of a toddler!

My sweet little one! 

Monday, April 11, 2016

My Miracle From Heaven

Have you heard of the new movie that is out called Miracles from Heaven? If you haven't, I highly suggest watching the trailer and then going to see the movie! Anyway, a little back story on the movie (no spoilers, I promise!) It's about a little girl who was diagnosed with a very rare digestive disorder that consumes her life and ultimately would lead to death. There is no cure for what she had but yet here she is, alive and well! How you might wonder? Well, after a routine hospital visit she went back home and although was told not to, she was climbing a tree with her sister and fell head down 30 ft and was knocked unconscious. Amazingly enough she came out of that (3 hours later) with only a minor concussion and some bruises and cuts. Over the next few days and weeks she starts getting better! They go back to visit the doctor and the results show that she is cured of the disease that had taken so many lives! Miraculous right??

What does this have to do with ABS or our lucky fin? Everything.

Throughout the entire story you sob and ball and cry and end up with make up all over your face by the end of the movie. For all the obvious reasons because it is a tear jerker. But for more, un-obvious reasons as well. 

I remember when our lucky fin was born being so angry that God had picked him because we had specifically prayed that our child would be healthy with "10 fingers and 10 toes." That may sound silly to some but we prayed it and our son came out missing fingers and toes. My husband and I had so many late night talks about being frustrated or mad at the situation. About possibly loosing faith because God had clearly ignored our prayers. Why would He do that? I still don't have the answer, so if that's what you're looking for; I'm sorry. But this movie was an eye opener. I realized that although I knew I wasn't alone, this reassured me that there are others out there going through things far worse than I and having the same questions I had/have. 

Not only did I cry because it was a sad movie, or because I am a mom and couldn't imagine going through what this mom endured. No. It was because all of her emotions were the same as that I had. All of her reactions were the same. Everything about it was so similar to me and my story with my son. 

Now please don't get me wrong, I know that our lucky fin's condition was and is not life and death like this mother had to endure. I can't even imagine. But the hospital scenes of a child hooked up to monitors, crying, wanting to go home. I've been there. To see your child like a limp noodle because of the surgery they have gone through.. I have been there. And although we are done with surgeries for now, there is no guarantee that we are done forever. 

I feel like this post is such a hot mess of stories and emotions that nothing is coming off clearly... 

Either way, I highly recommend all my fellow ABS family members to go watch this film, whether you are a Christian or not, I think you will be able to relate to all of the emotions that mom dealt with and all the questions she had during the time her child was sick.

It was an incredible movie! But be prepared to be emotionally drained after ;) Don't say I didn't warn ya! 

Have A Blessed Day!

*No, I am not getting paid to advertise this movie! But here is a link to the trailer!*

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Eat, Poop, Sleep, Repeat

As I was looking over the blog thinking "hmm maybe I should write a post, let me see the last time I wrote something.. Nov 8th?!!" My apologies for such a long gap in posts; I will try and be much better about it from here on out! Although I will say, I started this blog to help anyone out dealing with the same situations and now that surgeries are done we seem to be in limbo. I am however, preparing myself for the questions to come about his fingers and toes now that he is getting older as are his friends.

Speaking of which - There was a friend not too long ago that we play with almost every week, he is 3 and Jude is obviously 2. Anyway. He has never noticed my sons finger or toes until the other day and he pointed and said "what happened to his toes?" And my friend ever so sweetly just said, "God made him extra special." Why can't every parent respond this way?! Oh how I wish. Melted my heart as they moved right along to play like nothing was different.

Anyway back to how he is doing.

We started potty training and it's actually going very well!! I am impressed with how little accidents he has. Except... when he does have one, it's massive. I mean... pee is just everywhere. But! We started and that's all that matters. He is officially a big boy! We started with the three day method which seemed to work very well. And I know most parents do the full on naked day one, we decided to start with pants, this way he got used to it straight from the beginning and it worked perfectly! Needless to say I am happy to only have one in diapers now!

As for his little brother, well... not so little anymore. Out little chuck (my linebacker as I call him) is roughly only 10 pounds lighter than Jude and he continues to grow! He is trying to crawl and even though he can't get around by crawling, he is a huge mover.

Here are some updated pictures :) 

He was trying to copy mama :)

Our newest baby - Ellie Mae 

Cutest ever right??

These were their "matching" Christmas Eve jammies! 

Have A Blessed Day!