What is ABS

ABS is also known as Amniotic Band Syndrome

Let me make this clear before I continue: 

ABS ranges widely from 1 in 1,200 to 1 in 15,000 live births and it is RARELY caught before delivery. The amnion ruptures from an unknown cause roughly between 12-18 weeks causing these fibers to float within the amniotic fluid. These fibers are very sticky which is how they attach to the baby. If they attach to the baby's face, they can cause deformities such as cleft lip or cleft palate. If they stick to an extremity such as the arm of leg, as the baby moves within the womb, it can be come wrapped around the arm or leg causing the band to tighten. These bands cause constriction of blood flow to whichever part of the body it is affecting and could result in amputation. If the band is loosely wrapped, it should be monitored to make sure it doesn't stick to the baby as the baby grows. 

Here is a picture of an example of what ABS would look like in the womb when it comes to a baby's fingers. This is very similar to my son's hands! 

These bands can be released by preforming fetal surgery. This is where they enter the uterus and remove the band with a small laser so the baby can have blood flow returned to the extremity. It may also be life saving surgery if it is wrapped around the baby's umbilical cord. Another result of ABS is preterm labor, on average, women who were diagnosed with ABS deliver around 32 weeks. 

This is why it is extremely important to see a specialist (if it is caught before birth) who knows about these fetal anomalies and conditions. Although your OB may know about them, these are not things they look for and a sonography tech doesn't necessarily look for them either. Please don't think that "this will never happen to me." I thought that and now have an adorable little son who will live with ABS for the rest of his life.

I love my son very dearly and I wouldn't change a thing! I know that good will come out of all of this and if I can even educate 1 person on what ABS is, than my job is complete. Please feel free to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have. Research is still being done so don't give up! I will update whenever I find new information that can help (:

These are pictures of my son and both is hands as well as one foot that were all affected by ABS


1 comment:

  1. He is adorable,, my granddgter Kimmie has abs both hands and her ankle,,, she ALSO had gastroctihis,,,her intestines were on the outside,,,14 surgeries complete,,, she's almost 2 and doing great,,,u can find my dgter her Mom on FB Ashley Rose,,, she knows ALOT about the surgeries and could help u! HUgs! Where do u live? Karen Rose Griffith


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