Helpful Sites

I have added a few different places where you can go to get support from other people in your situation. As a mom I know that it can be hard. You will have some good days and some bad days, it doesn't mean you love your little one any less, it just means you are growing in this journey as well.

The Lucky Fin Project 

This is an amazing site full of people who are just like you! It was started by a mom whose daughter was born with Symbrachydactyly (sim-brak"e-dak'ti-le). Take a look around, they have some great resources along with information on camps and new projects! They also have a fun store that goes to support a great cause.

Born Just Right

The mom from the Lucky Fin Project has been blogging since she found out her daughter was missing a limb. This is her personal story as well as her daughters. Good read for all the moms out there! Dads too!

Amniotic Band Syndrome - Facebook

This is a facebook group created to join people from all over the world who are dealing with ABS. It can be for almost anyone (with approval I believe) to join and find support. I have personally gone on and asked for advice, cried, or told a success story! Everyone is so supportive and sweet that it's an awesome place to turn when in need. 

Beautiful Limb Differences - Facebook

This is another facebook group that is a great resource. They have all sorts of different types of limb differences (hence the name ;) and you can ask questions and learn all about everyone else and what they are going through. 

Katie's View

This is a blog from another mothers perspective on life when it come to raising a child with a limb difference. She has actually written a book about it! I highly suggest taking a look around. One link is to her blog and the other is to her website.

There are many many more resources, links, videos and support out there! You just have to spend a little time and search for them. Or if you want you can email me and I can send you a list of more items. 

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