It's been a busy year for the Spenceley family and not always in the best way but I will start with my perfect little lucky fin. (Pardon as this blog might be all over the place trying to catch everyone up!)
My lucky fin had surgery again in August to separate his toes and release the last band around his pinky finger on the right hand. It was supposed to be about 2-3 hours depending on how long the fingers and toes took. They were only supposed to be releasing one toe from the other 2 because of how the toenail continued to grow back and risk infection in the other toes. Well when the surgeon came out he told us that he was able to release all 3 toes and he now had 5 toes! And his finger was nice and simple as well. This was the pinky finger that we thought he would lose the tip of on the last surgery because they weren't sure they could keep it and get blood flow to the tip of the finger where the bad was. Luckily the surgeon was able to release that bad with no complications and our lucky fin did awesome.
(Top two on the left are before surgery. Next 2 are post surgery where he insisted he walk himself out of the hospital. Following pictures are right after the casts came off and then a few weeks after when they are healed)
We escaped for the crazy hurricane that was trying to run over Florida this year! We went up with my mom to her friends house in Alabama. It took us about 8 hours to go 6 so that's not bad all things considered! But we got there around 11:30 pm and when I opened the door I was greeted by 4 donkeys and a horse. I thought I was seeing things but no, it was for real! And then I got my youngest out of the car and he was petting a donkey and I tried to push him away so we could close the car door and he bit me. Ok, maybe not really bite because they were super sweet animals, but he definitely nibbled my arm and took my sons sock off. Needless to say, my kids had a great time on this mini farm and it was a nice little get away while the weather was bad back home.
The oldest (the lucky fin) has been growing into such a little boy over the last year that it's hard to believe that he is 4 years old now. He and his little brother started preschool in October and they absolutely love it and it's awesome to see them grow and learn. One of my favorite things is when they come home with project or art work and they are so excited to tell me all about what they made. I have a huge stack of their artwork in my room and my lucky fin always goes through it and wants to go over every piece of art he's made. Every time he is in my room this happens! His little brother does the same but he is still learning to talk so it can be comical listening to him try and tell me about what he has made. This was their first day of school!
Short funny story: The boys were supposed to be batman and robin for halloween. Their dad got them their costumes and they lived in them the week leading up to halloween. Well come day of and my youngest wants nothing to do with his robin costume... totally refused. So his dad put him in spiderman and here they are!
The boys also had their first airplane ride up to Virginia! This trip was such a last minute (stressful) trip and when I say last minute I mean super last minute. My parents went up there for a wedding and I didn't have anyone to watch the boys on Friday while I was at work so I had to take off unfortunately. But it worked out because late Thursday night I was on the phone with my mom buying plane tickets to have a weekend getaway with the kids and we flew out Friday morning at 9:30 am! Talk about crazy but they boys had so much fun that it was well worth it in the end.

I think I have hit all the major life updates for this last year. It was a busy one that's for sure (clearly since I didn't post for a year!) but we are now in 2018 and I'm sure this will be a better year to come. The boys are growing up into sweet little boys that have a love/hate relationship. My lucky fin protects his little brother and the youngest does his best to annoy him :) Here are a few more pictures from our year.
We had a girlfriend of mine take some photos of me and the boys
Some good friends got married and I was in the wedding and my lucky fin was the ring bearer!
They loved seeing Santa!
After their first school Christmas play
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Spenceley boys!