So a few weeks ago in the small group my husband and I are a part of, our leader showed us this video. The whole time I couldn't help but think about my little man and all that he is about to go through in life. I have been asked or heard people say that he is going to have a hard time with this or with that. That he probably wont be able to do this every day activity or whatever it may be. Well ya know what... You're wrong! My son will be able to do anything, want to know why, because we will teach him to "Embrace the Shake."
After our small group leader showed the video he asked what our limitations were and what are some ways we could get past them to do what we wanted to do. I spoke up and said that it wasn't limitations for me but for my son. That people say he's going to have a hard time in life and sometimes I can't help but to think that and then I change my mind and think he will be able to do anything. But I think that while he is growing up and learning, he may have some limitations that he will have to overcome. We then discussed how the way that my husband and I raise our child will help with what is a "limitation" for Jude and what isn't. Our attitudes will help him overcome these so called limitations and help him push past whatever it is he thinks he can't do.
We then continued talking with others in the group about their limitations and how they can move past; but since this video, I can't stop thinking about how me and my husband will need to teach our child to "embrace the shake" and what are ways that we can do that without pushing our child into anything. Phil Hansen says in the video "We have to be limited before we can be limitless." By far my favorite quote from the video and so powerful. To think that before we can even think about pushing past our limitations, we have to have limits! We cannot be limitless until we have limits that we break through. So awesome. Man.... Give me all the limitations in the world so I can beat them and become limitless!
Another quote from him was that we need to "look at limitations as a source for creativity." I will tell Jude this quote as he grows up because there will be times where he will need to embrace this and try a different way to accomplish his task. I'm sure that there will be times when he won't be able to do something that the others kids are doing; unless he thinks creatively which is where his limitations come into play. I know that my boy will be healthy and strong as he continues to grow and mature and with that I know that he will be able to do anything he sets his mind to.
This video opened my eyes and gave me a whole new perspective on ABS and how to deal with it with my son. It also gave me a fresh look at when people stare or ask me what happened to him. I know as a mom I'm sure I will reach my limit of being asked this as he grows up but if I can push past that and answer with love and with knowledge, then I am breaking through my limitations and embracing our life and wonderful son.
Hopefully this video can get you to think on maybe what you're limitations are and how you can push past them. Whether it's physical, emotional or something else, I hope that you can push past your limits and become limitless.
On a different note I would like to add that we had his 6 month check up (yes, I said 6 months!) and he is healthy and happy as can be! He is a little porker weighing in at 13.6 pounds and is 24 inches long!! Will post a picture soon :)
Have a Blessed day!
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