Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Two Stories in Two Days

So I have the pleasure of telling you all two wonderful stories about my son that happened within 2 days of each other. Here it goes!

Day 1:

My lovely husband and I are moving (as you may know) and so we decided to have a garage sale. Try and make a few extra bucks and sell a lot that we didn't need. Well, if you have ever done a garage sale you know how tiring they are! I told Aaron that I didn't want to make dinner because I was so tired and so we decided to go out and eat. We just went to a nice place right down the road from home and our course had the little squirt with us and as always he catches everyones attention. Well the waitress loved him from the beginning and he had eyes for her too! He would stare at her anytime she got close to us; it was quite funny. Now, her husband was 2 booths behind us and since our little man kept starting she told her hubby to look at this cute baby. He came over to see him and started talking with us about being parents and his story and kids and all that good stuff. About 7 minutes or so into the conversation Jude started reaching for this guys face and cross necklace and at that point he noticed Jude's hands and asked. Aaron and I looked at each other to see who would explain Jude's story and I got picked. I was able to tell this man all about ABS and about Jude. He stood there and talked with us for another 7 minutes or so and kept telling us that his hands and feet didn't matter. That Jude was a beautiful baby with a wonderful spirit and could make anyone smile and that's what mattered. After this man walked away I looked ay my husband, almost in tears over our son. The fact that we get to share his story so much and will get to the rest of his life. I absolutely love it and loving being able to tell people about ABS and hearing their responses. They're always so different but all end with 'he is a beautiful boy and his smile is contagious' or at least something along those lines!

Now for day 2:

We were now on our second day of the garage sale and exhausted to say the least. I hate haggling with people and getting up early... Why I do garage sales, I will never know! Anyway, Aaron had left to go play football with some on his friends so it was just me and the little squirt working the garage sale. I had him sitting next to me in a travel bassinet and some toys. Again people would comment on how cute and well behaved he was being. Well there was this one family who came up looking for electronics; they had a little girl about 7 or 8 years old... maybe a little younger (I'm horrible at guessing ages!) She gravitated toward Jude and he was just staring at her the whole time. She was playing with him and touching his hands and feet and immediately noticed his hands were different. The little girl came right out and asked what was wrong with his hands. Of course the parents were trying to hush her and apologizing for the lack of manners and I told them it was perfectly ok! Kids are kids and she wasn't asking to be rude or anything, she was genuinely curious as to why Jude's hands and feet didn't look the same. So I gave them my typical shpeal about ABS and both parents chimed in and were very curious. I bet we stood there and talked about ABS for 15 minutes! It was awesome and the little girl said that it didn't matter because he was the cutest baby she had ever seen. She proceed to ask if she could stay and play with him all day! Ha! Gotta love little kids :)

Needless to say we had an eventful weekend and Jude was able to share his story a little more. I hope that whoever read's this, you are able to see his journey and my journey as his mother. Maybe that can help you along with whatever it may be you are going though!

Have a Blessed Day!

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