Friday, March 21, 2014

Chilis, Yum!

Sorry it's been so long since a post! Having a newborn is very busy work as I'm sure a lot of you know or at least have an idea! Lets see where do I begin...

Well my little squirt turned 5 months on Wednesday! I can't believe how big her is getting, I keep telling him that he's not allowed to grow up yet but he doesn't seem to listen yet. Guess I'll just have to remind him daily and I'm sure he'll catch on ;) Anyway, 2 days before he turned 5 months he rolled from his front to his back! He had done it once before but it was more of an accident than anything, but this time was for real! I was in shock! One of my girlfriends was over and we were watching our favorite show eating pie (yes, we love to eat!) I'm sitting on the floor with my little man and next thing I know he's rolling over! I of course have a huge mouth full of pie and so I try to scream of joy but sadly nothing comes out. I look up at her to see if she saw and she was so captivated by the show that she missed his first roll haha. It was quite funny.

Oh, another story for you guys. My husband, Jude and I went out to Chilis on our way home from the beach one night and it was getting really late, we were both hungry and Chilis was no wait so we went for it! Along with that, Chilis is my favorite place to go out too so it worked out nicely for me.


It's been very... eye opening to see peoples reactions to Jude's fingers and toes. When he was just born, no one hardly ever noticed because he was so very tiny that his fingers and toes looked normal. Well now that he is growing, more people notice or even stare. 


So while sitting at Chilis, the tab;e next to us was very close, close enough where I felt like I needed to whisper to have a private conversation. Anyway, there was a mom and 2 girls probably about 7 or 8 years old sitting at the table next to us. Now Jude was nicely sitting in his car seat for the first 20 min or so and all the girls were looking at him, ooing and ahhing at how cute he was. Once he started fussing I naturally took him out so he wouldn't start screaming. As soon as I did, one of the little girls said -quite loudly I might add - "Mommy look at his fingers! They look so weird. What's wrong with him." The mom just responded with, "I don't know, just keep eating." I was so upset and really wanted to just let into this mom on teaching her child manners and that she should be respectful but being the nice person I am, I kept my mouth shut and look at my perfect little boy and whispered "you are perfect and don't listen to what other people have to say about you." We continued eating and left but it got me thinking. Thinking about all the kids out there who's parents don't teach them to be polite or respectful or even at least be discrete in the manner! Once of these times, someone is going to go off and that little girl and she wont know why and that's what breaks my heart. Not that she said what she said about my son but that she just hasn't grown up with any of that and doesn't know any different than to say what she said. Hopefully this all makes sense... Either way, I'm happy that I will be able to teach all of my children, no matter how many we have, to be polite in that aspect. To be quite honest I think I would have taught that but not as much as I will now. Now that I am a mom of a son with a disability, my heart goes out to every mom in my shoes or even worse. You are all awesome!

I will post Jude's 5 month picture as soon as I can take one!

Have a Blessed Day!

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