Sunday, March 2, 2014

Here Goes Nothin!

Where do I even begin?? This will be the first post of many, but don't expect them daily. I am a new mommy who is trying to find the balance of being a wife, mom and keeping up with the house.

A little background on us:

My husband is a nurse and works the night shift 3-4 times a week so needless to say that those nights and days can be long. But he works his butt off so that I can stay at home and raise our son and be with him as much as possible. We are very blessed to have this opportunity to do so and we will take full advantage of it while we can! Who knows what will come in the future but now, this is what we do (:

Before having a baby I worked a few different jobs, all the same type though: administration. As weird as it may sound, I love doing admin work! Organizing, phones, schedules, you name it and I love to do it, but with the baby, again, we decided it would fit our family best if I was home with Jude.

Please don't think that I am saying being a stay at home mom is the only way to go. I know there are plenty of amazing moms out there who work full time or even part time and for that, you're my hero! I can barely keep up with my house and family as it is now! I can't imagine working on top of all of this! And a big shout out to all the single mommies! You guys have a superpower that is incredible.

Anyway. Back to our story.

We are very blessed to have a child at all let alone one with a disability. We are honored that we were picked to be his parents and to raise him!

That we can now share and spread the knowledge of what ABS is and what can be done to help kids with ABS. Not only that but that we are not alone in this, that there are so many other people out there who deal with this and are willing to help get all of us 'newbies' through. That's ultimately why I decided to share our story. I spoke with a lady online, through one of my mommy groups, who just gave birth to a son who was affected by this and she was freaking out. I couldn't help but remember that feeling and the uncertainty of what would happen next and what was wrong with my baby. Those feelings and emotions are still very fresh, sometimes I have to fight off the worry daily but we push through. So I couldn't help but message her and tell her it was going to be alright and to share a little bit of my story. I could tell that she was calming down and she knew at that point that she wasn't alone.

Another time, by that I mean this morning, my husband and I were at church and he was wearing his "ten fingers are overrated" shirt from the Lucky Fin Project. Now, there were a decent amount of people at church and obviously not everyone knows that our son is missing fingers and toes. Some of our friends still do not know. Anyway, he was asked multiple times on what his shirt meant and we were able to share and show them what ABS was and how it is a part of our life and family now. Again, more people now know about ABS all because of a shirt!

After my son was born I questioned why this happened. My husband and I prayed specifically for a healthy baby with 10 fingers and 10 toes and we didn't get that... Why? That was my biggest question but I think I figured it out. If I can share our story and help or educate even just 1 person, that it's all worth it and I know that my son will be ok!

We hope to raise him in a way that he will be able to handle questions and kids wondering why he doesn't look like them. We hope to learn from others who have been in this situation and then to be able to pass on what we have learned. I am an open book. Ask away.

P.S. I apologize now if any of my posts are jumbled, confusing or just bits and pieces of my thoughts. I am by no means a writer. Just a mom trying to help others who are in the same boat and educate the ones who are not... As well as just share my heart  :) 

Have a blessed day!


  1. Wow! That was amazing... and by the way you ARE a writer...that is evident by this blog. Thanks for sharing - well done my precious daughter!

  2. I agree! I like your writing a lot. It's well done. Maybe it's because I can hear your voice in my head? Love to you all at your house!

  3. Such an amazing story, I look forward to your posts and am gonna do a little research on ABS since I know little about it. Your little guys is handsome and precious. You are a wonderful mommy. And so lucky to stay home with him. I myself am not that lucky as I work full time and overtime to support my family. It's truly a blessing. Keep educating people, I learned something because of you. (:

    1. I'm so glad you had a chance to learn about ABS! That was my goal for this blog, in hopes that my sons story could educate people! I hope that one day you are able to stay home with your kids but either way I'm sure you're an awesome mom for supporting your family :)


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