Thursday, September 4, 2014

One of those days

Today (and the last few days) have been one of those days. You know, the ones that make you mad and jealous and sad all at the same time. I see so many baby pictures and hear stories of other babies and I'm mad my little one is missing fingers and toes. I realize these new parents don't know any better, I'm sure I would do the same but man... It kills me seeing all their pictures of "cute baby toes" or "look at those perfect little baby feet" or the picture where all fingers are wrapped around mom or dads finger. We will never get that with Jude.

*** Disclosure *** 
I love my little man with every fiber of my body and he is perfect and will accomplish anything he sets his mind to!

With that said. As a mom of a child who is missing fingers and toes you can only imagine how hard it is to see brand new, precious newborns, with all ten fingers and ten toes. I sometimes can't help but to be mad and ask why. Why us? Why Jude?

Sometimes I just get so frustrated that I want to punch a hole in the wall or scream. He is growing up so fast and accomplishing so much already but I realized, I wont have to hear him crying and running to me because he slammed fingers in the door. I wont be able to comfort him when he is crying because he can't wear flip flops. We wont have those moments. I realize to most parents those are dreaded moments that they try to keep their kids from but me, I'm going to miss those things. I know it may sound crazy to all of you but until you go through it, until you have a child who is missing fingers and toes (or more) I'm sorry but you wont understand.

I also wonder what he will think if we get pregnant again and our second baby is born with all ten fingers and ten toes. Will Jude be jealous or mad that he doesn't have them? Will the sibling ever tease Jude for his lucky fins? I hope that we raise all of our kids to never tease anyone like that but you know how siblings can be towards each other!

It makes me sad to think about the potential of how kids will treat him when he gets to school. I often wonder how kids will react to him and his precious fingers and toes. I dread the days that he comes home from school, holding back tears because the kids in his class were mean to him. I sometimes think about how I will handle it when he does go to school... Will I talk to the teachers and principle extensively about ABS and how to handle it? Will I maybe talk to his whole class about how he is a little different but that it doesn't mean he can't do all that the other kids can do?

I know that he is only 10 months old and we have a long way to go but as a mommy, you think about your children and what the future holds for your kids quite often.

Anyway, on the bright side Jude now blows kisses and cut his first tooth!! (FINALLY!) He is taking it like a champ and is adorable with his first little snaggle tooth :) He is also trying to stand on his own now which makes me scared cause that could mean walking soon and this mommy isn't ready for that! He is already on the go so much that I'm not sure I'm ready for him to be walking yet! He crawls super fast and gets into lots of trouble at home ;) I love him so much and know he will do great things!

Here are a few pictures taken by a good friend of mine! She and her husband are photographers/videographers. We took the boys out one day and she got some great shots! Check out more of their work here!

Jude and his buddy Jax

Never leaves without that bunny!

Have A Blessed Day!


  1. Look at those eyes! (in the last picture above). Simply mesmerizing.
    I hear you and am sorry for your pain. If I may be so bold as to say, keep your eyes on the Lord and your focus on everything that Jude (and you) CAN do and all the blessings that you ARE experiencing and WILL continue to experience. Stay conscious of everything that is going well. These are all strategies to help mitigate the worry of what might happen if... and what I would do when...
    I have not been in the same circumstances as you have, but I have certainly been in circumstances that feel similar (worry about my child being different, missing out on certain things, etc). And let me tell you, the Enemy was always lurking, ready to steal my joy through my own thinking. Romans 12:2 has become one of my favorite verses: be transformed through the renewal of your mind. I shift my thinking, my worry, my focus of attention, and I am transformed. God is so good!
    May you and yours be blessed beyond measure! Wishing you the peace of Christ this day.

    1. Thank you!! We are trying for sure and there have been quite a few verses come to mind but never that one :)

  2. He's perfect! And those green eyes!

    1. Thank you! :) His eyes are truly captivating!


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